In this PA, you are required to implement various sorters that we learnt in the class.
You can download the PA1.tar file from NTU COOL website. Uncompress it using
Linux command,
tar xvf PA1.tar
You can see the following directories after uncompressing it.
Name Description
bin/ Directory of binary file
doc/ Directory of document
inputs/ Directory of unsorted data
lib/ Directory of library source code
outputs/ Directory of sorted data
src/ Directory of source code
utility/ Directory of checker
Input/output Files:
In the input file (*.in), the first two lines starting with ‘#’ are just comments.
Except comments, each line contains two numbers: index followed by the unsorted
number. The range of unsorted number is between 0 and 1,000,000. Two numbers
are separated by a space. For an example, the file contains five
# 5 data points
# index number
0 16
1 13
2 0
3 6
4 7
The output file(*.out) is actually the same as the input file except that the
numbers are sorted in increasing order. For example, 5.case1.out is like:
# 5 data points
# index number
0 0
1 6
2 7
3 13
4 16
You can visualize your unsorted/sorted numbers by using the gnuplot tool by the
command gnuplot. After that, please key in the following
set xrange [0:5]
set yrange [0:20]
plot “” usi 1:2
plot “5.case1.out” usi 1:2
# if you want to save to png files
set terminal png
set output “5.case1.out.png”
You need to allow X-window display to see the window if you are login remotely. For
more gnuplot information, see
There are two example “before” and “after” sort pictures with 100 numbers benchmark.
Before sort:
After sort:
Command line parameters:
In the command line, you are required to follow this format
NTU_sort –[IS|MS|QS|HS]
where IS represents insertion sort, MS is merge sort, QS is quick sort and HS is heap
sort. The square bracket with vertical bar ‘[IS|MS|QS|HS]’ means that only one of the
four versions is chosen.
The angle bracket
*.[case1|case2|case3].in, where case1 represents test case in random order,
case2 is test case in increasing order, and case3 is test case in reverse order. For the
best case, all the numbers are sorted in increasing order. For the worst case, all
numbers are sorted in descending order. For the average case, numbers are in random
The output file names are *.[case1|case2|case3].out. Please note that you
do NOT need to add ‘[|]’ or ‘<>’ in your command line. For example, the following
command sorts to 10000.case1.out using insertion sort.
./bin/NTU_sort -IS inputs/ outputs/10000.case1.out
Source code files:
Please notice that all of the source code files have been already finished except
sort_tool.cpp. You only need to complete the different sorting functions of class
SortTool in sort_tool.cpp. You can still modify other source code files if you think it
is necessary. The following will simply introduce the source code files.
main.cpp: main program for PA1
1. // **************************************************************************
2. // File [main.cpp]
3. // Author [Yu-Hao Ho]
4. // Synopsis [The main program of 2019 fall Algorithm PA1]
5. // Modify [2019/9/6 Cheng-Yun Hsieh]
6. // **************************************************************************
8. #include
9. #include
10. #include
11. #include “../lib/tm_usage.h”
12. #include “sort_tool.h”
14. using namespace std;
16. void help_message() {
17. cout << "usage: NTU_sort -[IS|MS|QS|HS]
44. while (fin >> junk >> num)
45. data.push_back(num); // data[0] will be the first data.
46. // data[1] will be the second data and so on.
48. //////////// the sorting part ////////////////
49. tmusg.periodStart();
50. SortTool NTUSortTool;
52. if(!strcmp(argv[1],”-QS”)) {
53. NTUSortTool.QuickSort(data);
54. }
55. else if(!strcmp(argv[1],”-IS”)) {
56. NTUSortTool.InsertionSort(data);
57. }
58. else if(!strcmp(argv[1],”-MS”)) {
59. NTUSortTool.MergeSort(data);
60. }
61. else if(!strcmp(argv[1],”-HS”)) {
62. NTUSortTool.HeapSort(data);
63. }
64. else {
65. help_message();
66. return 0;
67. }
69. tmusg.getPeriodUsage(stat);
70. cout <<"The total CPU time: " << (stat.uTime + stat.sTime) / 1000.0 << "ms" << endl;
71. cout <<"memory: " << stat.vmPeak << "KB" << endl; // print peak memory
73. //////////// write the output file ///////////
74. fout << "# " << data.size() << " data points" <
12. using namespace std;
14. class SortTool {
15. public:
16. SortTool(); // constructor
17. void InsertionSort(vector
18. void MergeSort(vector
19. void QuickSort(vector
20. void HeapSort(vector
21. private:
22. void QuickSortSubVector(vector
23. int Partition(vector
24. void MergeSortSubVector(vector
25. void Merge(vector
26. void MaxHeapify(vector
27. //if both right and left sub-tree are max-heap
28. void BuildMaxHeap(vector
29. int heapSize; // heap size used in heap sort
31. };
33. #endif
Line 17-20: sort function which will be called in main.cpp.
Line 22: This function will be used in quick sort. It will sort sub vector with given lower and
upper bound. This function should be implemented to partition the sub vector and
recursively call itself.
Line 23: This function will be used in quick sort and should be implemented to partition the sub
Line 24: This function will be used in merge sort. It will sort sub vector with given lower and
upper bound. This function should be implemented to call itself for splitting and
merging the sub vector.
Line 25: This function will be used in merge sort and should be implemented to merge two
sorted sub vector.
Line 26: This function will be used in heap sort and should be implemented to make the tree
with given root be a max-heap if both of its right subtree and left subtree are
Line 28: This function will be used in heap sort and should be implemented to make input data
be a max-heap.
sort_tool.cpp: the implementation of the SortTool Class
1. // **************************************************************************
2. // File [sort_tool.cpp]
3. // Author [Yu-Hao Ho]
4. // Synopsis [The implementation of the SortTool Class]
5. // Modify [2019/9/6 Cheng-Yun Hsieh]
6. // **************************************************************************
8. #include “sort_tool.h”
9. #include
11. // Constructor
12. SortTool::SortTool() {}
14. // Insertsion sort method
15. void SortTool::InsertionSort(vector
16. // Function : Insertion sort
17. // TODO : Please complete insertion sort code here
18. }
20. // Quick sort method
21. void SortTool::QuickSort(vector
22. QuickSortSubVector(data, 0, data.size() – 1);
23. }
24. // Sort subvector (Quick sort)
25. void SortTool::QuickSortSubVector(vector
26. // Function : Quick sort subvector
27. // TODO : Please complete QuickSortSubVector code here
28. // Hint : recursively call itself
29. // Partition function is needed
30. }
32. int SortTool::Partition(vector
33. // Function : Partition the vector
34. // TODO : Please complete the function
35. // Hint : Textbook page 171
36. }
38. // Merge sort method
39. void SortTool::MergeSort(vector
40. MergeSortSubVector(data, 0, data.size() – 1);
41. }
43. // Sort subvector (Merge sort)
44. void SortTool::MergeSortSubVector(vector
45. // Function : Merge sort subvector
46. // TODO : Please complete MergeSortSubVector code here
47. // Hint : recursively call itself
48. // Merge function is needed
49. }
51. // Merge
52. void SortTool::Merge(vector
53. // Function : Merge two sorted subvector
54. // TODO : Please complete the function
55. }
57. // Heap sort method
58. void SortTool::HeapSort(vector
59. // Build Max-Heap
60. BuildMaxHeap(data);
61. // 1. Swap data[0] which is max value and data[i] so that the max value will be in correct location
62. // 2. Do max-heapify for data[0]
63. for (int i = data.size() – 1; i >= 1; i–) {
64. swap(data[0],data[i]);
65. heapSize–;
66. MaxHeapify(data,0);
67. }
68. }
70. //Max heapify
71. void SortTool::MaxHeapify(vector
72. // Function : Make tree with given root be a max-heap if both right and left sub-tree are max-heap
73. // TODO : Please complete max-heapify code here
74. }
76. //Build max heap
77. void SortTool::BuildMaxHeap(vector
78. heapSize = data.size(); // initialize heap size
79. // Function : Make input data become a max-heap
80. // TODO : Please complete BuildMaxHeap code here
81. }
Line 15-18: please complete the function of insertion sort here.
Line 21-23: the function of quick sort will call function of Sorting sub-vector and give initial
lower/upper bound.
Line 25-30: please complete the function of sorting sub-vector using quick sort algorithm here.
Line 32-36: please complete the function of partition here.
Line 39-41: the function of merge sort will call function of Sorting sub-vector and give initial
lower/upper bound.
Line 44-49: please complete the function of sorting sub-vector using merge sort algorithm here.
Line 52-55: please complete the function of merging two sorted sub-vector here.
Line 58-68: the function of heap sort will build max-heap first. And then, exchange data
Line 71-74: please complete the function of max-heapify which makes the tree with given root
be a max-heap if its right and left sub-tree are both max-heap.
Line 77-81: please complete the function of building max-heap with given input data.
1. Please check the source code files under the src directory. You may need to
complete the functions of class SortTool in sort_tool.cpp. You can also modify
main.cpp and sort_tool.h if you think it is necessary.
2. Your source code must be written in C or C++. The code must be executable on
EDA union lab machines.
3. In your report, compare the running time of four versions of different input sizes.
Please fill in the following table. Please use –O2 optimization and turn off all
debugging message.
Input size IS MS QS HS
CPU time
CPU time
CPU time
CPU time
4. Draw figures to show the growth of running time as a function of input size and try to
analyze the curve (as the following example, where each curve represents an algorithm.)
You can skip the test case if the run time is more than 10 minutes.
5. Notice: You are not allowed to include the header
We expected your code can compile and run in this way.
Type the following commands under
cd bin
./NTU_sort –[IS|MS|QS|HS]
We provide the sample makefile, please modify into yours if needed.
Control the stack size
To prevent stack overflow cause by the recursion function calls, please set the stack size to
256MB using the following Linux comment:
ulimit -s 262144
1. # CC and CFLAGS are varilables
2. CC = g++
3. CFLAGS = -c
4. AR = ar
5. ARFLAGS = rcv
6. # -c option ask g++ to compile the source files, but do not link.
7. # -g option is for debugging version
8. # -O2 option is for optimized version
10. OPTFLAGS = -O2
11. # make all
12. all: bin/NTU_sort
13. @echo -n “”
15. # optimized version
16. bin/NTU_sort: sort_tool_opt.o main_opt.o lib
17. $(CC) $(OPTFLAGS) sort_tool_opt.o main_opt.o -ltm_usage -Llib -o bin/NTU_sort
18. main_opt.o: src/main.cpp lib/tm_usage.h
19. $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< -Ilib -o $@
20. sort_tool_opt.o: src/sort_tool.cpp src/sort_tool.h
21. $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OPTFLAGS) $< -o $@
23. # DEBUG Version
24. dbg: bin/NTU_sort_dbg
25. @echo -n ""
27. bin/NTU_sort_dbg: sort_tool_dbg.o main_dbg.o lib
28. $(CC) $(DBGFLAGS) sort_tool_dbg.o main_dbg.o -ltm_usage -Llib -o bin/NTU_sort_dbg
29. main_dbg.o: src/main.cpp lib/tm_usage.h
30. $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< -Ilib -o $@
31. sort_tool_dbg.o: src/sort_tool.cpp src/sort_tool.h
32. $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DBGFLAGS) $< -o $@
34. lib: lib/libtm_usage.a
36. lib/libtm_usage.a: tm_usage.o
37. $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $<
38. tm_usage.o: lib/tm_usage.cpp lib/tm_usage.h
39. $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $<
41. # clean all the .o and executable files
42. clean:
43. rm -rf *.o lib/*.a bin/*
Line 38-39: compile the object file tm_usage.o from tm_usage.cpp and tm_usage.h
Line 36-37: archive tm_usage.o into a static library file libtm_usage.a. Please note that library
must start with lib and ends with .a.
Line 37: this small library has only one objet file. In a big library, more than one objective
files can be archived into a single lib*.a file like this
ar rcv libx.a file1.o [file2.o …]
Lines 12-21: When we type ‘make’ without any option the makefile will do the first
command (line.12 in this sample). Thus, we can compile the optimization version
when we type ‘make’. This version invokes options ‘-O2’ for speed improvement.
Also ‘_DEBUG_ON_’ is not defined to disable the printing of arrays in sort_tool.cpp.
Lines 23-32: Compile the debug version when we type ‘make dbg’. This version invokes
options ‘-g’ (for DDD debugger) and also ‘-D_DEBUG_ON_’ to enable the printing
of arrays in sort_tool.cpp.
Lines 13,25: @echo –n “” will print out the message in “”. In this sample we print
Notice: $< represent the first dependency.
$@ represent the target itself.
Example: a.o : b.cpp b.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DBGFLAGS) $< -o $@
$< = b.cpp $@ = a.o
You can find some useful information here.
You can verify your answer very easily by comparing your output with case2 which is the
sorted input. Or you can see the gnuplot and see if there is any dot that is not sorted in order.
Also, you can use our result checker which is under utility directory to check
whether your result is correct or not. To use this checker, simply type
Please notice that it will not check whether the format of result file is correct or not.
You have to check the format by yourself if you modify the part of writing output file in
Please submit a single *.tgz file to NTU COOL system before 10/13(Su) 13:00.
Your submission must contain:
typing “make” can compile.
2. A report in the doc directory.
3. A README file that explains your files.
4. We will use our own test cases so do NOT include the input files.
5 In summary, you should at least have the following item in your *.tgz file.
The submission filename should be compressed in a single file
to compress a whole directory:
tar zcvf
For example, goto the same level as PA1 directory, and type
tar zcvf b99901000_pa1.tgz PA1
6. You are required to run the checksubmitPA1 script to check if your .tgz submission
file is correct. Suppose you are in the same level as PA1 directory
./PA1/utility/ b99901000_pa1.tgz
Please note the path must be correct. If you are located in the ~/ directory, then
‘./PA1/utility/’ means the path ~/PA1/utility/
and b99901000_pa.tgz means the path ~/b99901000_pa1.tgz
We have so many students in the class so we need automatic grading. Any mistake in
the submission will result in cost 20% off your score. Please be very careful in your
60% correctness (including submission correctness)
20% file format and location
20% report
TA will check your source code carefully. Copying other source code can result in
zero grade for all students involved.