1. Arrange the following functions in increasing order of growth rate with g(n) following
f(n) in your list if and only if f(n) = O(g(n))
, (β2)
log π
, π (log π)
, 2
β2 log π
, 2
, π log π , 2
2. Give a linear time algorithm based on BFS to detect whether a given undirected graph
contains a cycle. If the graph contains a cycle, then your algorithm should output one. It should
not output all cycles in the graph, just one of them. You are NOT allowed to modify BFS, but
rather use it as a black box. Explain why your algorithm has a linear time runtime complexity.
3. Let G = (V, E) be a connected undirected graph and let v be a vertex in G. Let T be the
depth-first search tree of G starting from v, and let U be the breadth-first search tree of G starting
from v. Prove that the height of T is at least as great as the height of U.
4. A binary tree is a rooted tree in which each node has at most two children. Show by
induction that in any nonempty binary tree the number of nodes with two children is exactly one
less than the number of leaves.
5. Prove that a complete graph K5 is not a planar graph. You can use facts regarding planar
graphs proven in the textbook.
6. Suppose we perform a sequence of n operations on a data structure in which the i
operation costs i if i is an exact power of 2, and 1 otherwise. Use aggregate analysis to determine
the amortized cost per operation.
7. We have argued in the lecture that if the table size is doubled when itβs full, then the
amortized cost per insert is acceptable. Fred Hacker claims that this consumes too much space.
He wants to try to increase the size with every insert by just two over the previous size. What is
the amortized cost per insertion in Fredβs table?
8. You are given a weighted graph G, two designated vertices s and t. Your goal is to find a
path from s to t in which the minimum edge weight is maximized i.e. if there are two paths with
weights 10β1β5 and 2β7β3 then the second path is considered better since the minimum
weight (2) is greater than the minimum weight of the first (1). Describe an efficient algorithm to
solve this problem and show its complexity.
9. When we have two sorted lists of numbers in non-descending order, and we need to
merge them into one sorted list, we can simply compare the first two elements of the lists, extract
the smaller one and attach it to the end of the new list, and repeat until one of the two original
lists become empty, then we attach the remaining numbers to the end of the new list and it’s
done. This takes linear time. Now, try to give an algorithm using O(n log k) time to merge k
sorted lists (you can also assume that they contain numbers in non-descending order) into one
sorted list, where n is the total number of elements in all the input lists. Use a binary heap for kway merging.